Monday, November 16, 2009

Green Man

I got new wheels, some decent pedals, a crank, bottom bracket, bar tape, brakes onto the Falcon yesterday. Its finally out of the shop, and hopefully it wont be back. That bike was a pain, the bottom bracket was just over one millimeter too small and it drove me nuts. Its got some pretty cool looking lugs on it though.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Single Malt Scotch

The Glenrothes make some damn good scotch. I had some of the select reserve, and it tastes great and its smooothhh. When you get scotch there doesn't seem to be much of a middle ground.

Redline 29ers and Concussions

Yea i locked up some front brakes somehow, Brian who was right behind me doesn't even know what happened. Well i flipped over the bars and yelled "oh shit dude" and landed on my hands with a little blood here and there.
I got up to move out of the road and sit down, only to pass out moments later. My head fell backwards and slammed into the concrete with a loud thud. I woke up 10seconds later having no clue where i was or what happened. Later my parents forced me to go get a CAT scan and bullshit like that. Im A ok, i dont even have a bump on my head.
Lesson learned, dont fuck with 29ers

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Skunks and Raccoons

I have only rode around Zorinski a few times, but whenever I do I seem to run into this skunk. It ALWAYS just darts out in front of me and makes me swerve to avoid it. Its the same thing with raccoons in Elmwood park, they're always just lurking there waiting for me.

I guess the lesson here is not to ride late at night.......

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Two bikes, a bottle of vodka, and an awesome girl

Ema and I bundled up and rode down to my old creek hangout with a little lantern to have a few drinks and hangout. Then we were off for a little drunk ride to chill at the park down the street and talk. I dont think my night could have gotten any better!

...and i finally met a girl that makes uggs look good

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Motobecane, American Apparel, and Hipsters

So i guess the new thing is riding Motobecane "Messengers" around UNO and within 2miles of American Apparel. These kids are the typical hipsters, but one on campus has a pair of prescription "Kanye West" glasses that are out of this world gay.

This jackoff that rides around proudly with his one pantleg pulled up rides three blocks from his car in the parking lot to class. Everyday, Brian (from Olympia) and I sit and wait for him to ride by. Every day it cracks us up.

I wish that those hipsters would go ride fixed, in traffic, on less fixie right? I have nothing against riding fixed, its just those jackasses that ride around with their bikes as a fashion accessory. Its like a girl and those stupid fucking uggs. They look stupid as shit, but girls think they are so cute.

Uggs are one of those things that piss me off...they look so stupid and they arent even waterproof. Women think the stupidest things are "cute". Its like if your girlfriend tells you that shes cutting her hair short....its a slap in the face, and theres nothing you can say or do to change it, no matter how stupid its going to look.

Monday, August 24, 2009

They see me rollin

Hatin on the new Velocity rims with 105 hubs. Got em cheap, can't complain. They work great and they are quiet as hell. Put 40miles on them in the first day and i love them. The bontrager hardcases do their job well, but i wish i could fill them up higher than 120 psi.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


What happens to them when they get in your eyes? It seems like they just melt away

Monday, July 27, 2009


The miles have added up, and i did over 100 miles my first week. Thats a miracle with the amount of working ive been doing lately. That combined with all the shit Scott Village has been giving me is really driving me nuts. Thank god i bought that bike.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Chrome Industries

I worked twelve hours yesterday and had a really shitty night. But Friday morning the bag finallyyyyy showed up. Jesus christ that took forever. I felt like shit all day, and only worked for two hours. Then i picked Harrison up and went to the rock wall only to discover that it was closed. Fuck.
We packed up our shit and went to elmwood to climb the bridge a little bit to get our climbing fix in, and then went to canfields and then backwoods to check out crash pads. We have to get one of those things before we break one of our legs.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Its Tricky

Took the bikes out the other day and went in search of some urban climbing possibilities. Mike and I bouldered for about an hour on the bridge going through Elmwood park. As we began taking holds, some kids smoking weed came and made sure they were not in our way and offered us free weed??? but we had better shit to do.

After an hour there we went to UNO and climbed just about everything we could find a hold or a ledge on. We wound up about 100 feet up on the fine arts building, on top of the world. It took us half an hour to get there, but boy was it worth it. You could see all of omaha in every direction. The skyline was beautiful.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunburns and halter tops

I woke up to a txt message from my family saying they were in the old market, so i took a ride downtown to say hi since i didn't have to work. I pulled the usual stunt of riding to 28th and going down dodge weaving in and out of traffic until i got to 12th st. Farnam street wound up being a cluster fuck of west omaha people looking at overpriced home made shit that they didn't need.

Just about every stand was handing out re usable bags for groceries, kashi had recycling bins, and everyone was talking about being green and they all desperately wanted to fit in and just wanted to be so fucking eco-friendly. That must be why they all drove fucking cars to get there. Jesus christ.

I chose to stick around for a while because of the halter tops. Thats about it....

Friday, June 26, 2009

Walnut Creek

Harrison and I put 50 miles on our bikes today. We rode from the dorms to Walnutcreek, said hi to Kyle, did a lap and left. We had to stop at TO so we could tighten Harrisons bottom bracket on his Volpe. Then we rode our tired, sunburned asses home to get some food and head off to check out the music at memorial.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

This is how i roll:
2008 Alu/Carbon Bianchi Via Nirone7

.....still rockin the sora too :(

1000 beats per minute

A few days back I went with all the guys on the 40 mile group ride. Lets just say smoking hookah does not go well with long rides