Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Its Tricky

Took the bikes out the other day and went in search of some urban climbing possibilities. Mike and I bouldered for about an hour on the bridge going through Elmwood park. As we began taking holds, some kids smoking weed came and made sure they were not in our way and offered us free weed??? but we had better shit to do.

After an hour there we went to UNO and climbed just about everything we could find a hold or a ledge on. We wound up about 100 feet up on the fine arts building, on top of the world. It took us half an hour to get there, but boy was it worth it. You could see all of omaha in every direction. The skyline was beautiful.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunburns and halter tops

I woke up to a txt message from my family saying they were in the old market, so i took a ride downtown to say hi since i didn't have to work. I pulled the usual stunt of riding to 28th and going down dodge weaving in and out of traffic until i got to 12th st. Farnam street wound up being a cluster fuck of west omaha people looking at overpriced home made shit that they didn't need.

Just about every stand was handing out re usable bags for groceries, kashi had recycling bins, and everyone was talking about being green and they all desperately wanted to fit in and just wanted to be so fucking eco-friendly. That must be why they all drove fucking cars to get there. Jesus christ.

I chose to stick around for a while because of the halter tops. Thats about it....

Friday, June 26, 2009

Walnut Creek

Harrison and I put 50 miles on our bikes today. We rode from the dorms to Walnutcreek, said hi to Kyle, did a lap and left. We had to stop at TO so we could tighten Harrisons bottom bracket on his Volpe. Then we rode our tired, sunburned asses home to get some food and head off to check out the music at memorial.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

This is how i roll:
2008 Alu/Carbon Bianchi Via Nirone7

.....still rockin the sora too :(

1000 beats per minute

A few days back I went with all the guys on the 40 mile group ride. Lets just say smoking hookah does not go well with long rides